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“Thank you very much for such an inspiring approach. I used to work in medical education, and it is exemplary how you introduce novices to your area in your book! I especially like how you get through the sense of attentiveness to and appreciation for the natural world!”
Lydie Stokes, Scottish Highlands
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Dye with avocado ebook
This 37-page ebook will have you dyeing all kinds of everything in beautiful shades of pink in no time! This simple, yet informative guide will take you through the entire process from start to finish.
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Natural Dyeing

This book explores the versatility of plant-based dyes, from understanding, choosing and preparing your fibre for dyeing to foraging for your dyes and the different dyeing methods used. You can then put your skills to the test with eight projects, including a Silk-dyed Bandana, plant-dyed linen bags, and a Korean-style Cloth used to wrap gifts. Please email me with your shipping address once you purchase. 

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